"The unthankful heart...discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day and, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessings!" ~Henry Ward Beecher
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
A Thankful Heart...
Monday, November 9, 2009
You Never Know...Who Knows You
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Like Riding a Bike...Sorta...
Saturday, August 22, 2009
It's A Family Affair
Me and Beny Blaq
Monday, August 17, 2009
Not A Virgin...Anymore
Unfortunately, I couldn't find a SINGLE soul to go with me! I wanted someone to go with me cuz I knew I wasn't going to know anyone there and what if I actually got up the guts to do one of my own poems? Who would even say that they were there to hear it? I didn't have anyone to record me either; just in case I wanted to put it on YouTube or something. People are going to get tired of me sitting on my living room floor reading from my book.LOL.
Since all of my friends were busy, I decided to go alone. I was REALLY nervous and had NO intention of getting up there. But I made sure I tucked my journal in my purse "just in case"...hehehe. It started off a little awkward to me cuz there were some really interesting people there and I heard pieces that matched the same description. But who am I to judge? I just expected more spoken word. I won't bash anyone and their feelings, interpretations, or writing styles.
A lady came and sat at the table with me and asked if I was reading. I told her no because I would be too nervous and I haven't read my poetry in front of a crowd before. "Go ahead and sign up! You're going to be nervous at first, but you'll be fine and it's fun!", is what she told me. So I put my name on the list. I was halfway down the second column on the list of people. I had time to get my nerves and things together.
As it got closer to time for me to get on the stage, my stomach began to slowly rise. It finally reached it's destination of my THROAT when the host said, "Let's welcome our virgin, Unhurd Chyld." Virgin, of course, meaning first time reader LOL. I did "I Wanna Write A Poem" (If you haven't heard it, check my YouTube but I'll be posting it on here soon.)and the people LOVED it! I was so excited to know that they laughed when I said something funny...my husband will tell you that I'm not the best when it's comes to telling jokes. I got lots of compliments when I was done.
Before I left, the lady that was sitting at my table gave me her card and told me to give her a call because she wanted me to come to her open mike. Her name is Lady S and she hosts one at a different spot on Thursday nights! I was mad excited and told her thank you and I would definitely be there.
So, my poetry cherry was popped and I feel sooo much more confident about my poetry now! I can't wait for the poetry slam on Tuesday night and another open mike on Thursday!My journey has JUST begun!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
No Love Lost...Just Lesson Learned
Have you ever had so many thoughts scrambling around in your head that you just couldn't even get it all together to make reasonable explanations? That's how I feel right now. There are TONS of things on my mind and I hope that you can just bare with me as I spill them all out. Let me first start off by telling you the kind of person that I am. When I love, I love HARD. Yuh...so cliche cuz it seems like everybody says that. Well let me say this, when I support people, I support them in EVERYTHING that they do because everyone needs that extra push.
I had a friend that is a back-up dancer for Lil Wayne. She came to NC and got me tickets to come and see her. I personally, don't like Lil Wayne and am not very fond of rap music because I can't understand what they're saying half of the time! I know I sound like somebody's grandma, but it's the truth. I went to support her because she told me that nobody really supported her when she made this decision to take job and pursue her career in dancing...which is her first love. I've known her for 6yrs and we never really talked that much. We went to the same church and everything, but when our paths crossed, then we'd speak. I told her that I'd come to support her and I even recorded her dancing and everything. To make a long story short, she was coming to NC cuz Lil Wayne is doing his summer tour and I asked her if was going to get to see her. I didn't ask for tickets because, need I reiterate, I don't care for Lil Wayne. She kept ignoring my texts and phone calls and needless to say, she said that she'll "see me around" because she thought I was using her.
She said I didn't make an attempt to come and see her when I went home to visit family in Dallas but what she wasn't aware of is that I didn't have any transportation and I DID try and get in touch with her while I was home. I just told her that I wished her the best in her career and I still loved her and supported her. It hurt me though, to know that I had been there for someone when nobody else was, and I get accused of using someone...seriously?That's the LAST thing I would want to do and I thought she knew that. But oh well, no love lost, just a lesson learned. It's almost 1am and I've got to work a 12hr shift. Trust me, there's more on my mind but it'll have to wait until another time...GNITE!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Head & Heart Conflictions
Hey! I'm finally uploading my second youtube video, in case you haven't seen it. Make sure you comment, comment, comment and subscribe k?! I'm in the process of editing my next video but I'm taking my time because I want these other two videos to get just a lil bit more attention so make sure you tell your friends and stuff k?!
I've had so much going on that I haven't written anything new but there are just so many things running through my mind that I wanna write about. I'm taking a trip to D.C. next weekend and I'm excited cuz I'm quite sure that'll get my creative juices flowing. I'm looking forward to this D.C. trip because since my husband has been gone, I haven't really gotten out of the house. I mean, I stay right here in Fayetteville. Yes, I've taken leave and stuff to go to Dallas and I even went to Vegas, but I haven't taken a road trip to visit anyone. I feel like I don't really get out so I'm glad I'm going to go see an old friend and a new friend. It's going to be nice.
Besides that, I've had a couple of thoughts running through my mind about what I wanna be when I grow up (yes, I said when I grow up :-)). Because I'm in the medical field in the military, and because of my daughter, I really want to become a speech pathologist. But at the same time, I absolutely LOVE the arts! You know how people tell you to go with your gut feeling and follow your heart? Well, what if your heart is being pulled in two different directions? What if you can't decipher because you already know whats guaranteed in life for you to succeed even though it may not grant you true happieness? I just don't know which way I wanna go right now...any suggestions?HELP!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Patience and Tenacity
I was sharing these thoughts with a friends of mine from highschool, over facebook chat, and she said that she's passionate about her art too but what I have to realize is that success that comes quickly is short lived. Even though I always knew this, it was great to hear it again. I have posted my second video (which will be on here soon) to youtube and it hasn't received that many views either, but it's only been up for 2days. I guess I just got a little excited and thought I was about to skyrocket as a poet and lost focus of why I'm REALLY doing this! I'm not doing it for the fame, I'm doing it because this is what makes me happy and this is my voice. I want to reach someone, help someone, minister to someone! All of my poems may not mention God, but there's certainly no cursing. My poetry lets someone know that they're not the only person going through that situation. THAT'S why I write poetry. So I bring this entry to a close, I'll leave you with a poem I wrote when I was 13yrs old.