Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Patience and Tenacity

Thank GOD for a day off! I've got time to update my blog. I want to share a recent experience with y'all.
Less than a week ago, I posted my first spoken word video to youtube. Within the first day, it got 100views and 7 comments. I was SOOO excited because I knew that it would continue to get more. I sent a message out to more than 800 people in a facebook group, telling them about the video...and it only got 100views...I started to get really discouraged and didn't want to upload another video because I wasn't really getting the feedback and support that I truly wanted. My soul was happy,because I was doing something I truly enjoyed, but I still felt discouraged because I wasn't getting tons of views on my video.

I was sharing these thoughts with a friends of mine from highschool, over facebook chat, and she said that she's passionate about her art too but what I have to realize is that success that comes quickly is short lived. Even though I always knew this, it was great to hear it again. I have posted my second video (which will be on here soon) to youtube and it hasn't received that many views either, but it's only been up for 2days. I guess I just got a little excited and thought I was about to skyrocket as a poet and lost focus of why I'm REALLY doing this! I'm not doing it for the fame, I'm doing it because this is what makes me happy and this is my voice. I want to reach someone, help someone, minister to someone! All of my poems may not mention God, but there's certainly no cursing. My poetry lets someone know that they're not the only person going through that situation. THAT'S why I write poetry. So I bring this entry to a close, I'll leave you with a poem I wrote when I was 13yrs old.

Poetry and Me
When I write poetry I truly understand That it flows from my heart straight into my hand All my knowledge, all I know Everything gets caught up in the flow You see poetry is my sea Containing every emotion that's held inside of me My ups and my downs Poetry keeps me sound It's my expression Of my many lessons See instead of screaming My pen starts streaming Instead of crying My pen ink is dying I don't hold nothing inside Because this is my outlet My words are so free because poetry is not set No captivity this is freedom of speech From the space above to the seat on the beach It takes me everywhere even places I haven't been But it's all easy to express because it's things my mind has seen Without the vibe of my poetry my mind would cry And in my heart and soul I'd hear the sigh Because I would be stopping them from saying what needs to be done Blocking out their rays of internal sun But this is something I'll never do Because poetry is the soulmate that you find in you. ~UnhurdChyld

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