I'm sitting at home in my bed figuratively dying from literal boredom! Y'all like that lil sentence huh? Don't steal it. hehehe. I spent last night going through my FOUR different books of poems that I've written and I was trying to decide which ones I want to record and post videos of. Well, none of them seem good enough, so I guess I'll just have to write more! BUT that doesn't mean I don't have a video for you right now! This is my first spoken word video and the poem is currently untitled...I'm still waiting for something to come to me through osmosis or something! Some of you may have already seen it on youtube and some haven't. I hope that you like it!
I'm SUPER excited about all of the feedback I've been receiving and it makes this journey I'm taking soo much easier with the support of my husband! Speaking of my husband, I spoke with him last night and he told me that if we ever had a threesome, it would be me, him, and the pen. I never sleep alone.My notebook keeps me warm at night. There are so many things running through my head to write about that I can't seem to get it all out in enough time! I'm so excited about this journey God is taking me on and I hope that my poetry will help, inspire, and touch someone else out there. Much love and God Bless! Toodles!!
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